(…) This corresponds especially well with twelve-tone music and the standard clock. In the exhibition PANORAMAVISION, this system appears most clearly in the two 2-channel video steles ALIAS YEDERBECK REDUX: NIGHT & DAY (SATELLITE I+II), which Frank Geßner describes as follows: “The installation is a continuation of the so-called ‘Runge Sphere’, a color system developed in 1810 by the painter Philipp Otto Runge that depicts the mixing ratios of the primary colors red, yellow, and blue, as well as the respective shades toward the black and white poles. The new interpretation of the sphere refers not only to the dial of the clock. The 12-part sphere is also normed, optimized, inverted, and animated, i.e., set in rotary motion, and furnished with Cole Porter’s song ‘Night and Day’ (1932) from the musical ‘Gay Divorce’. The classic song’s interpretation by Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire thereby underlies the inverted ‘night’, while a version by Django Reinhardt accompanies the ‘day’. Both variants are also combined with the sound of a collision between two black holes that occurred in 2016 (cf. ‘Hubble Dates Black Hole’s Last Big Meal’, Nasa News Online). Like artificial companions or sentinels, the NIGHT & DAY satellites orbit the two-door and twelve-cornered ‘planet’ AYR PALLADIO MODEL (PROTOTYPE DD). In the latter, the 12-channel installation ALIAS YEDERBECK is shown; it, in turn, consists of twelve different panorama sequences and refers to twelve auto- / author constructions.” (Geßner 2016: n.p.; cf. Runge 1810 / 1959: 5 – 26). (…)

Quote from: Bruckner, Franziska, “Panoramavision: Contextual Panopticons”, p. 306, in: PANORAMAVISION*EARTH SEEN FROM THE STUDIO*FRANK GESSNER, (German and English), Revolver Publishing Berlin, 2018.